
Depression in dogs

Like humans, our dogs can also suffer from depression , the biggest problem with this is that by not being able to speak and communicate in an easy way what they are suffering makes this serious problem a bit difficult to detect.

Possible causes of depression in dogs

  • The arrival of a new member of the family (a baby or another pet).
  • A move.
  • A change in routine.
  • The loss of a furry brother or a member of the household.
  • Changes in the weather.
  • The lack of a guide in the family, not encouraging exercise, not promoting socialization with other dogs and over-protection.

We can say that sudden changes in their environment lead to this condition, we are to blame for it if we do not help our pet when we begin to notice the changes.

It is very difficult to see our pets in this state but we should not be scared, with a lot of patience and love we will make our dog the same again.

Any dog, of any breed, can get depressed , especially those who have just come out of a shelter or shelter.

Symptoms  of depression in dogs

If we know our dog well, we will realize more easily that it is about to become depressed. Like humans, dogs show us by their behavior if they are depressed .

The symptoms can be confused with simple boredom or tiredness, making it a bit difficult to detect depression.

  • The dog is listless and disinterested in things that previously excited him.
  • More and more they start to drift away.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Changes in eating habits, they can stop eating until they do so excessively.
  • But it is excessive.
  • They stop socializing with their peers, moving away even if they are provoked to play.
  • Some may repeatedly cry or moan and be restless or nervous, hide for a long time, or search a lot for their human parents.
  • In very serious cases they can harm themselves and stop eating.

We must analyze the relationship we have with our dog in order to find the most likely causes that are causing this disorder.

If your dog is presenting these symptoms, do not hesitate to take him to a veterinarian immediately , depression is a problem that requires a lot of care and you should not underestimate it. It is necessary that you take him to a medical consultation since many of the behaviors mentioned above can also be the result of a physical problem and not necessarily be related to depression.

Treating depression in dogs

If the doctor decides that your dog is going through a depressive picture, it is very important to find the causes in order to immediately start establishing strategies according to the type of problem that this state has caused in your pet. The doctor can diagnose if it is a physical or psychological problem and thus be able to know the type of therapy that can be applied to your dog.

It is important that you take into account the following recommendations that the vet will surely be able to suggest:

  • Spend time with your pet , play with her, do the things she likes the most (walk, drive, run, exercise). Spend more time hugging and stroking him, keep him busy.
  • If you have to leave him at home alone, leave the radio or television on to prevent him from feeling lonely. There are also interactive toys to entertain you.
  • Reward your dog when he shows positive behavior, give him treats when he is happy and not to make him happy because if he is depressed he will assume that it is good to continue being that way and it will be even more difficult to get him out of that state.
  • Take him to socialize with more dogs in the park in case he does not have the company of other pets at home.

If depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, doctors may prescribe medications, remember that you should never medicate your pet without consulting with your vet.

With a lot of patience and affection, your dog will undoubtedly do the same as before.

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Sherry Fluharty, is an Activist, animal activist, community manager, and blogger at Tom Cat Wiki in order to make people aware of the responsible ownership of pets. And in charge of writing content and responsible for the project.